As we get ready for Giving Tuesday, University Legal Services invites you hear from some of our clients. Today, we share Mary's experience with the DC Assistive Technology Program (DCATP).
Mary McCall has lived in DC for almost 50 years, working in healthcare and social services consulting. After retiring, Mary began to look for local resources supporting older adults. She was specifically interested in assistive technology that could help her operate her new computer and control its mouse and keyboard, as she experiences tremors.
Mary discovered DCATP’s services from its Assistive Technology Specialist, Davette Rucker, at a webinar organized by Iona. Mary was struck by Davette's "very well-prepared" presentation and decided to set up a free appointment to visit DCATP’s Demonstration Center. At the center, Davette showed Mary adaptive keyboards, alternative computer mice, accessible mouse software, and adaptive dining utensils to minimize food spillage due to tremors. Mary recalls: “I was so surprised; I didn’t know all of this existed.”
With DCATP's guidance Mary then purchased the devices that she needed and gained insight into assistive technology that she may need in the future! Your support on Giving Tuesday this November 28th will ensure that more DC residents like Mary can access our necessary and free assistive technology services.
Adaptive keyboards displayed in DCATP’s demonstration center. DCATP staff showed Mary these devices when she visited.