DC Assistive Technology Program

The DC Assistive Technology Program (DCATP) helps DC residents with disabilities and seniors increase their independence and access to the community with assistive technology (AT).

Connecting Washingtonians with disabilities and seniors to needed assistive technology (AT)

Learn about the services that we offer

Our work spans across six key subprograms:

DC Assistive Technology Resources Center

The DC Assistive Technology Resource Center allows individuals to explore assistive technology devices that may increase their independence and functional capability.

DC Assistive Technology Loan Program

Our device loan program allows DC residents to borrow assistive technology devices easily and at no charge.

DC Shares (Durable Medical Equipment Recycling Program)

DC Shares provides free durable medical equipment to DC residents with income levels below $30,000 per year.

DC Funds (Alternative Financing Program for Assistive Technology)

This federally-funded program allows DC residents to borrow money at a very low interest rate in order to purchase much-needed assistive technology devices.

Get Connected

Get Connected educates people with disabilities and seniors on useful technology features that can help them use their smartphones, tablets, laptops, or computers.

Assistive Technology Champions Program

The Assistive Technology Champions Programs empowers young adults (16+) with disabilities to share their passion for assistive technology and grow their advocacy, outreach, and social media skills.

Steps to accessing our assistive technology services

Step 1

First, determine your need for our services. Are you a senior or a person with a disability who needs help accessing assistive technology (AT) and/or durable medical equipment? Do you work for an organization that serves members of this group who may want to learn more about AT products and services? 

Step 2

If you answered yes to the questions above, contact us today! You can call us at (202) 547-0198 ext. 137 (telephone), (202) 547-2657 (TTY), or email us at democenter@uls-dc.org. We will ask you some questions about your situation and the services you're hoping to receive from DCATP.

Step 3

If you are eligible and our resources allow it, receive the services that you need. Depending on your needs, this could look like a presentation on various AT devices, a financial loan to purchase AT devices, free, recycled durable medical equipment, and more!

What can you gain from working with DCATP?

  • Free education about various types of assistive technology (AT) and their uses.
  • The ability to test different AT devices at no cost before making an expensive purchase.
  • One-on-one contact with experienced occupational therapists.
  • Accessible AT education sessions and demonstrations for large groups.
  • Individualized assistance through the process of identifying and acquiring AT devices and durable medical equipment.
  • Access to free durable medical equipment.


Below is some information that you may find useful. For more resources on assistive technology and durable medical equipment, visit the "Resource Page" section of our site.

Contact us about our services today!

Contact us at (202) 547-0198 ext. 137 (telephone), (202) 547-2657 (TTY), or email democenter@uls-dc.org.

A series of adaptive keyboards displayed on a table.